VMSuite is an innovative set of software created by Terra Spectrum Technologies (TST) for end-to-end utility vegetation management (UVM) workflow.
By partnering with TST and our full suite of software including PlannerVM, RealTimeVM and InsightVM, utilities can analyze LIDAR data, create and manage
work orders, track crew progress and cost, and monitor system health with unparalleled efficiency.
TST recognizes our industry is an industry in motion. With laws and regulations continuously evolving, a utility’s vegetation management program
is only as strong as the resources and tools on which they rely. TST is committed to providing utilities with the technology solutions and tools
necessary to advance their UVM programs. That’s why we’ve partnered with Surveylab to bring ikeGPS to the vegetation management market.
ikeGPS syncs seamlessly with our VMSuite software, giving utilities more options for workflow management. With VMSuite and ikeGPS,
utilities are increasing productivity, lowering costs and achieving compliance with unprecedented knowledge of their UVM programs.
Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you improve your program.
PlannerVM version 5.0 has been released.
Real TimeVM version 2.0 has been released.
InsightVM version 2.0 has been released.
Terra Spectrum Technologies Featured in Newsline
Terra Spectrum Technologies (TST) was recently featured in a Utility Arborist Association’s Newsline article titled, “Going Digital: Avista Utilities Finds Success with Vegetation Management Software and Contractor Partnerships.” The article summarizes TST’s unique software capabilities to move Avista into a complete digital “loop” of vegetation management planning and execution, using TST suite of products including PlannerVM® and InsightVM®. TST worked with Avista Utilities and sister company CN Utility Consulting to transition the utility from time and material to unit pricing, while gathering an abundance of data.
To read the full article, click here and go to page 26.
RealTimeVM Launches with Avista
TST recently launched RealTimeVM with Avista Utilities’ vegetation management department in Spokane, Wash. The contractor on the property reported employees enjoy using RealTimeVM and are eager to move away from the previous paper-based workflow.
CN Utility Consulting, which has six consulting utility foresters on the property, is using PlannerVM for both planned maintenance and unplanned work, and Avista is using InsightVM for both unit price calculations and monitoring progress.
With the trio of VMSuite software products, Avista is one of the first utility vegetation management departments to have implemented a completely electronic workflow.